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Fw: Library/librarian jokes and humor
Vielleicht kann hier ja dem Mann jemand weiterhelfen? 8-))))
From: BILL DREW <DREWWE _at__ snymorva.cs.snymor.edu>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 18:14:14 +0200
To: bcs _at__ tuhhco.rz.tu-harburg.de (Originally To: /S=stabenau/PRMD=tu-harburg/ADMD=d400/C=de/ Redirected on Thu, 15 Sep 1994 23:29:20 +0200 To: Recipient MD Assigned Alternate Recipient)
To: list:; _at__ library.Berkeley.edu
Subject: Library/librarian jokes and humor
I am trying to locate any collections or archives on the internet that have
jokes pertaining to libraries or librarians. I have tried srearching Veronica
without any luck. I have also tried searching under JOKES or HUMOR and found
some archives of jokes but none related to librarians or libraries.
Please respond directly to me and I will summarize for the lists. Also, if you
have any such jokes to share, please e-mail or fax them to me.
Wilfred Drew (Call me "Bill") Serials/Reference/Systems Librarian
SUNY College of Ag. & Tech.; P.O. Box 902; Morrisville, NY 13408-0902
Phone: (315)684-6055 or 684-6060 Fax: (315)684-6115 My URL is:
"We have all come here in different ships, but we're in the same boat now."
Dr. Martin Luther King
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stabenau _at__ tu-harburg.d400.de FIDO 2:240/6007.16
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