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[InetBib] Einladung: CfP LILG International Conference on Learning I... - Mo 19. Nov. 2018 11:00 - 12:00 (MEZ) (inetbib@xxxxxxxxxx)

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Titel: [InetBib] CfP LILG International Conference on Learning Information Literacy across the Globe - May 2018 Frankfurt
The International Conference on Learning Information Literacy across
the Globe will be held on the 10th of May 2019 at Frankfurt Main,
Germany. The Conference is a final part of the Erasmus+ Project
Information Literacy Online, a European project to improve students’

In November 2016 the EU project ILO was started with the aim to
develop, evaluate and disseminate a multilingual open access online
course (MOOC) designed to improve students’ abilities to cope with
the claims of present-day information society. In May 2019, the seven
partner institutions will be able to present a MOOC on Information
Literacy, covering six language and cultural areas. An integrated
assessment component will enhance the autonomous learning progress.

The Conference will be a forum for the exchange of research and
experience associated with Information...
Wann: Mo 19. Nov. 2018 11:00 – 12:00 Mitteleuropäische Zeit - Berlin
Kalender: inetbib@xxxxxxxxxx
    * Violeta Trkulja- Veranstalter
    * julstiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    * inetbib@xxxxxxxxxx

Termininformationen: https://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=VIEW&eid=Mm1uNzZuMnR2ODlwNDllNWlxZzNkZ28zbTkgaW5ldGJpYkBpbmV0YmliLmRl&tok=NTIjNnNlb3ZidnJoazRpZnFhOTZtcm1vZDM4djhAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbTg2YmFjNjNhYTUxZTBiMjg0ZDVjMTAyZWZlYzZjNDRkNzQ0ZWNkMWE&ctz=Europe%2FBerlin&hl=de&es=0

Einladung von Google Kalender: https://www.google.com/calendar/

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