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[InetBib] EDUG conference 2011

         === Apologies for crosspostings === 


Dear colleagues, 


In cooperation with Kungliga biblioteket, National Library of Sweden, Stockholm 
, the European DDC Users’ Group (EDUG) is organizing its annual meeting and 
would like to invite you to the symposium 


The Dewey journey in Europe – a case study of classification in the 21st 


7 April 2010, 9:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. 

Kungl. biblioteket - National Library of Sweden 

Stockholm, Sweden 


The Dewey decimal classification (DDC) isone of the most widely used 
classification systems in Europe , and more countries and libraries are 
adopting DDC every year. This European journey involves both the application of 
DDC for retrieval in European libraries and the translation, development and 
maintenance of DDC from different European countries’ perspectives. What has 
happened with the DDC and with the libraries during this journey: 
internationalisation, Europeanisation, localisation? EDUG works in partnership 
with OCLC to foster cooperation in the development of DDC translations and 
resolve associated issues for mutual benefit. 


The symposium will present cases from Sweden , Great Britain , France , Germany 
and Austria . Our keynote speaker Joacim Hansson will give us a historical 
presentation on the choice of classification schemes and the underlying ideas 
behind them. 


You will find the programme and further information under 



Please register by 24 March 2011. There is no fee for the symposium. 


Karin Kleiber 

Vice-chair, EDUG



Austrian National Library 

Josefsplatz 1, 1015 Vienna 

Tel.: +431 53410-405 

Fax: +431 53410-682 


FBG Handelsgericht Wien 

E-Mail: karin.kleiber@xxxxxxxxx   



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