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Re: [InetBib] E-Mail -> Soziale Netzwerke ?
- Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:31:31 +0100
- From: "Dr. Werner Popken" <Werner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [InetBib] E-Mail -> Soziale Netzwerke ?
J. Weiler schrieb:
Ein Spiegelartikel im Heft Nr 10 / 2.3.2009
Empirical Study: Twitter is not a Social Network
[the] driver of usage is a sparse and hidden network of connections
underlying the ?declared? set of friends and followers
(Es folgen viele Zitate und Diagramme, etwa
As we showed in the case of Twitter, most of the links declared
within Twitter were meaningless from an interaction point of view.
Thus the need to ?nd the hidden social network; the one that
matters when trying to rely on word of mouth to spread an idea, a
belief, or a trend.)
This is an important reminder, especially for colleagues of mine at
the Berkman Center who are engaged in social network analyses of
various political blogospheres. Just because the data is there and
?easily? available doesn?t mean that they actually represent the
offline social interactions that we are ultimatley interested in
studying. Social network data no matter how novel are still proxy
data at best.
Die Ankündigung des Originalartikels:
Scholars, advertisers and political activists see massive online
social networks as a representation of social interactions that can
be used to study the propagation of ideas, social bond dynamics and
viral marketing, among others. But the linked structures of social
networks do not reveal actual interactions among people. Scarcity
of attention and the daily rythms of life and work makes people
default to interacting with those few that matter and that
reciprocate their attention. A study of social interactions within
Twitter reveals that the driver of usage is a sparse and hidden
network of connections underlying the declared set of friends and
(Hätte ich das jetzt über meinen Twitter-Account verbreiten sollen?)
Werner Popken
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