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[InetBib] LIBRIS - 24.000 free E-books at kb.se

Hi *

nach den Infos zu den beiden Riesen BL bzw. BNF, hier Infos zu LIBRIS.
Ich habe die Zahlen von Jan von Mai 2008 etwas nach oben korrigiert.

MfG, Karl Dietz

On Mon, 26 May 2008 08:28:52 +0200
 Jan Szczepanski <jan.szczepanski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Karl,

The number is rising everyday. Now the correct number is
free e-books. It's not much but if we worked together ...

If fifty libraries all over the world worked together we
would today
have had over a million free e-books today.

You can browse the titles in Göteborg University Library

Just write: fri e-bok


mehr zu libris:
Google map mashup
   Our new map feature helps you find the libraries that hold the
   title. Find the link to the map under the Get it view. Example
Cover pictures and summaries
   Several hundred thousand cover pictures and summaries have been
   uploaded to assist in relevance assessment and answering the
   question, "Is this the book !'m looking for?"
Refine your search
   New models for exploring huge amounts of information, e.g. through
   facets and grouping.
Relevance ranking
   Relevance ranking maximizes the possibility of finding what you are
   searching at the top of the hit list.
Spell checker
   The system might propose spelling when you type in your search
   question. "Did you mean …?"
Choose your favourite library/region
   Set your library/libraries and/or region, and they will be placed at
   the top of the list of libraries that hold the title.
Find other editions
   Is the title avaialable in other languages? Does an e-book version
   exist? Are older/newer editions available?
Customize LIBRIS and set your preferences
   Short or expanded hit list? Overview or detailed title information?
   High contrast?
Several reference formats
   RIS (EndNote, ProCite, RefMangaer), RefWorks, BibTex, Harvard and
   Oxford. Supports Zotero.
Search outside LIBRIS
   Your search does not have to stop in LIBRIS. Find related
   information in other search facilities.
Put LIBRIS on your site
   Persistent links. Fetch search boxes. Download plug-ins to search
   from your browser.
Short response times
   Despite the huge amount of data searching in LIBRIS is fast.

Ask questions? Contact us. LIBRIS customer support: E-mail to libris at kb.se

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