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Re: [InetBib] OpenSource Recherche-Portal OpenBib

Oliver Flimm wrote:

Mit OpenBib kann eine Vielzahl von Katalogen unter einer 
Rechercheoberflaeche im Web angeboten werden. Dazu gehoeren dann 
noch diverse Zusatz-Features, wie z.B. die angesprochenen 

It isn't clear from the description, but I assume that this 
software is only intended for internal use in libraries that want 
to replicate *their own* bibliographic databases?

If I, as an outsider, start an instance of this software, can I 
get a replica of the KUG catalog database, all 5 million MARC 
records?  Does Uni-Köln allow that?  And is it kept up-to-date 
over night?

This would be interesting.  I don't care for the RSS feeds, but I 
could do a lot of fun with a replica of a large bibliographic 
database.  Is there a list of German libraries that allow free 
copying of their entire catalogs?  How about DDB?

Ausleihstatus oder zu Zwecken der Authentifizierung - wird ueber 
SOAP-basierte WebServices realisiert.

Are there any libraries that open an OLWS interface to the outside 
world?  Does the OpenBib server provide OLWS proxy/relay service 
to outside users?

* OpenBib kann auf entfernte Datenbanken ueber das 
  Z39.50-Protokoll zugreifen (noch experimentell)

And even of the libraries that have open Z39.50 servers, most 
wouldn't allow mass copying of their records.

  Lars Aronsson (lars@xxxxxxxxxxx)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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