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students interact with professionals

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

Folgende Anfrage fand ich in meinem Briefkasten. Kann jemand Herrn
Suarez weiterhelfen?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 19:03:06 -0800
From: velarmino suarez <suarez2 _at__ mail.sdsu.edu>
To: naumann _at__ ub.fu-berlin.de
Subject: gathering informatio

I am developing an educational research in Mexico with high
risk students focussing at the  high school level. I was told that
through the German Education System I could get information regarding 
Middle or high school students that interact with professionals in real
life situations. I am interested in recieving infomation on this
subject. For example rules and regulations used through the interactions
of the students. Also, the results and data collected through this
program would be very beneficial. 

                        Thank you.

                     Velarmino Suarez

----------- End forwarded message -------------

Im Voraus danke fuer Ihre/Eure Hilfe.
Mit freundlichem Gruss

            Remco van Capelleveen

 Dr. Remco van Capelleveen
 Privatdozent fuer Soziologie 
 Fachreferat fuer Soziologie, Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaft
 ;-)                            Tel.:  +49/30/838 3644
 Freie Universitaet Berlin                    838 4224 (Sekr.)
 Universitaetsbibliothek        Fax:   +49/30/838 3738
 Garystr. 39                    Email: rvc _at__ ub.fu-berlin.de
 D - 14195 Berlin-Dahlem        URL:   http://www.ub.fu-berlin.de

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