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(Fwd) Conference of Medical and Health Libraries
- Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 13:22:50 +0100
- From: "Oliver Obst" <obsto _at__ uni-muenster.de>
- Subject: (Fwd) Conference of Medical and Health Libraries
* crossposting to Medibib-l / Inetbib / Medimed bitte entschuldigen *
Liebe Kollegen,
die zweijaehrlich stattfindende Europaeische Tagung der
Medizinbibliotheken zaehlt zu den absoluten Highlights auf dem Gebiet
der medizinischer IuD und des medizinischen Bibliothekswesens. Die
Konferenz ist dieses Jahr sehr einfach zu erreichen (Utrecht, 22-27
Juni 1998) und beinhaltet ein sehr attraktives - auch
deutschsprachiges - Seminarprogramm:
- quality and project management
- performance measurement
- user education
- Evidence Based Medicine (dt. & engl.)
- information need assessment (dt.)
- WWW and Internet evaluation
- public health
- genome databases
- copyright
- usw.
Anmeldeformulare und weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
Unten finden Sie eine Mail der Programmverantwortlichen.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen, Oliver Obst
Dear German-speaking colleagues,
So far only 5 colleagues from Germany, 1 from Austria and 6 from
German-speaking parts of Switzerland have registered for the 6th
European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries (Utrecht, 22-27
June 1998)organised by the EAHIL. Not only do we look forward to meet
more colleagues from German-speaking countries, but also we
considered that Utrecht would be easy and not too-expensive traveling
and therefor an excellent opportunity to attend the EAHIL-conference.
For that reason we thought we could stimulate German participation by
organizing TWO German-languages continuing education courses!!
On Tuesday afternoon there is the course of Reinhard Wentz and Carol
Lefebvre about the Cochrane Library and Evidence-based Medicine
information sources.
Especially for colleagues who cannot afford too much on conferences,
there is a Bed&Breakfast facility for only NLG 30 (approx. DEM 27)
per person per night, including breakfast!! Utrecht is easy to reach
by train, the conference venue (Jaarbeurs) is connected to the
Central Railway Station.
This could be for you the CHEAPEST European conference in years!!
I look forward to meet you in Utrecht.
Suzanne Bakker
chair International Programme Committee
fax (home): +31.294.287206
e-mail: S.Bakker _at__ amc.uva.nl CHANGED TO: sbakker _at__ nki.nl
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Oliver Obst
obsto _at__ uni-muenster.de | Zweigbibliothek Medizin, Uni. & Landes-
Leiter Medizinbibliothek | bibliothek, Domagkstr.9, 48149 Muenster
medibib-l listowner | Tel.: +49/251.83-58550 Fax: .83-52583
medweb.uni-muenster.de/zbm medweb.uni-muenster.de/~obsto
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