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Frankfurter Rundschau 1948; 2.

vielleicht moechte sich jemand der neuseelaendischen
kollegin annehmen; forgewardet aus ill-l
gerald fritz;                  <fritzg _at__ ubaclu.unibas.ch>                 
wwz-bibliothek; petersgraben 51; 4051 basel; switzerland

29 June 1995
FAX : 64 9 373 7092

Dear Colleagues

I have a patron who needs a copy of the following article by FRIDAY
7th of JULY :

The issue is not held in Australia and many US libraries do not have
the issue either (or I am unable to check their catalogues via
If anyone can SUPPLY BY FAX, I would be most grateful and we would
accept all costs.

Frankfurter Rundschau
13 May 1948 pp unknown
Jaime, Eduard
Der dichter Karl Wolsfskehl

(PS I will not be available 30 June 1995 to reply, but will be
checking my mail 3rd july 1995)

Optimistically yours

Simone Schenirer
Overseas Document Delivery
Information Services
University of Auckland Library
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand

Tel : 64 9 373 7599 ext : 8984
Fax : 64 9 373 7092
Email : s.schenirer _at__ auckland.ac.nz

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