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[InetBib] Call for chapter proposals: Bibliotheken als dysfunktionale Organisationen und Arbeitsplätze

Liebe Kolleg*innen,

Spencer Acadia (https://www.spenceracadia.com/home), Chair des IFLA Knowledge 
Management Standing Committee und Assistent Professor am Research Methods and 
Information Science Department an der University of Denver in Denver, Colorado 
hat mich gebeten, seinen "Call for chapter proposals" für eine geplante 
Publikation bei Routledge, welche Bibliotheken als dysfunktionale 
Organisationen und Arbeitsplätze zum Gegenstand hat, in der deutschsprachigen 
Community zu posten.
Dysfunktionale Situationen können auftreten bei einem Mangel oder der 
Abwesenheit von Vertrauen, fehlendem Engagement in der Gruppe und durch 
Führungskräfte, der Scheu vor Konflikten und dem Nichtannehmen von 
Verantwortung. Haben Sie sich mit diesen Themen auseinander gesetzt oder haben 
Sie Change-Projekte in diesem Kontext angestoßen? Dann sollten Sie die Chance 
ergreifen, davon vor einem großen Publikum zu berichten!
Hier nun der Call:

This is a call for chapter proposals for a new, forthcoming book with planned 
publication by the international scholarly publisher Routledge tentatively 
titled Dysfunction in Libraries and LIS: Perspectives and Experiences from 
Europe and Australia. The book editor, Spencer Acadia, recently completed a 
soon-to-be-released book (also by Routledge) titled Libraries as Dysfunctional 
Organizations and Workplaces<https://bit.ly/dyslibr>. In that book, authors 
from the United States and Canada discuss workplace dysfunction in the North 
American library context.

The new book seeks to expand the geography of dysfunction related to library 
and information sciences (LIS) and libraries. The editor seeks proposals whose 
chapters will advance discourse on dysfunction in libraries as workplaces, and 
within LIS as a discipline and profession, for European and Australian library 
contexts. Proposals concerning the New Zealand library context will also be 

Please review the full call for chapter proposals<https://bit.ly/dysfcall> that 
provides further details and example topics.

Only proposals pertaining to library and LIS dysfunction in European, 
Australian, and New Zealand locations will be considered. Authors may reside 
anywhere in the world, but proposals must demonstrate knowledge of dysfunction 
related to libraries and LIS contexts pertaining to these geographies. All 
proposals must be submitted on or before Monday, October 31, 2022.

Authors of accepted proposals will be asked to write a high-quality book 
chapter intended for professional and scholarly audiences worldwide in English 
and between 4,500 to 7,500 words.

Please email any questions to the editor. Best regards,
Spencer Acadia

mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Steffen Wawra

Universität Passau
Dr. Steffen Wawra
Ltd. Bibliotheksdirektor

0049 851 509 1600


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