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[InetBib] Esch, Maria Mathilde + BETH conference, SEP19
- Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 11:42:39 +0100
- From: Karl Dietz via InetBib <inetbib@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [InetBib] Esch, Maria Mathilde + BETH conference, SEP19
On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 4:42 PM Klaus Graf <
klaus.graf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Statt dilettantisch in allen moeglichen Listen
rumzustuempern habe ich vor einigen Tagen nach Auffinden
des obigen Hinweises, dass sie in Muenchen nach 1900 noch
ansaessig war eine Anfrage ans Stadtarchiv Muenchen
gestellt. Das Stadtarchiv München teilte mit Mail von heute
mit: "In unseren Polizeimeldebögen (PMB Nr. E 98) ist eine
Kunstmalerin Maria Mathilde Esch nachweisbar. Als
Geburtsort ist bei ihr allerdings Brünn angegeben und als
Geburtsdatum der 18.02.1815! Maria Mathilde Esch lebte seit
dem 12.08.1882 in München und verstarb hier am 02.05.1904."
Klaus Graf
Die GND hat drei daten online.
Mathilde via GND <http://wiki.aki-stuttgart.de/mediawiki/index.php/GND>
Ich bin für #bornonthisday
Winning more clients for better libraries: challenges and solutions[
]BETH conference 7-11 September 2019 - Oxford, Wycliffe Hall
In the past, people came to the library to search for books in the
catalogue and on the stacks. But nowadays people look online for the needed
information. So, most libraries have made their catalog searchable through
their website (at considerable costs).
However, many people start their search by Google or Amazon. If they find
the information they need there, they will not look any further. They share
the information they found on social media. Of course, they use the library
and its online catalogue, but not for systematically searching for
information but for ordering books or getting access to online articles.
And only a small number of people use the research databases and indexes
the libraries subscribe to.
Many libraries are looking for solutions to turn the tide and get back
their public into the library - at least virtually. However human behavior
is difficult to change. So other libraries take a different approach, they
try to bring the library to the public by the same media that distract the
people: Google and social media.
For the next BETH conference, we invite you to present your local solutions
to this challenge. How do you interact with professors and students,
pastors and priests and other public? How do you promote the use of the
library and its valuable resources? And how did the library users react?
Share your innovations, the changes you made (or did not make), your
experiences, your best and bad practices with your colleagues.
Please send your proposals, your ideas or your suggestions for speakers to
us as soon as possible but before the end of January. Or contact us if you
want more information or if you want to consult before submitting a
Geert Harmanny BETH president gdharmanny@xxxxxxxxxxx
kam vorhin via kibib. gute und informative liste
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