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[InetBib] Neue Submodule zu Forschungsimpact auf der PARTHENOS Training Suite erschienen

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
gerne möchte ich Sie auf zwei neue online Submodule zu “Forschungsimpact” und 
“Impact von Forschungsinfrastrukturen” auf der PARTHENOS Training Suite 
aufmerksam machen (siehe auch englische Ankündigung unten). Einer der 
Höhepunkte der Module sind eine Reihe Interviews mit herausragenden 
internationalen Impact-ExpertInnen.
Die neuen Impact-Submodule sind im Rahmen der Trainingsaktivitäten des H2020 
Projekts PARTHENOS entstanden, an denen die Fachhochschule Potsdam, Fachbereich 
Informationswissenschaften, als Projektpartner (PI Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth) an 
mehreren Arbeitspaketen beteiligt ist.
Eines der Hauptergebnisse von PARTHENOS Training ist die PARTHENOS Training 
Suite, die verschiedene Online Module zu infrastrukturell relevanten Themen der 
digitalen Geisteswissenschaften  und des Kulturerbebereichs zum Selbststudium 
und zur Nachnutzung für die eigene Lehre/Workshops/Trainings/Onlineangebote 
bereithält. Die Module enthalten verschiedene Materialien zur Nachnutzung, wie 
Webseitentexte, Videolectures, Erklärvideos, Präsentationsfolien etc.
Wir freuen uns über Ihr Feedback bzw. über Meldungen zur Nachnutzung! Für 
Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Dr. Ulrike Wuttke
Task Leader PARTHENOS Workpackage 7.2 “Implementation of the integrated 
Training Plan”
Tel.: 0331-5801545
E-Mail: wuttke@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Twitter: UWuttke

FH Potsdam / University of Applied Sciences Potsdam [5]: PARTHENOS
Kiepenheuerallee 5
14469 Potsdam
The PARTHENOS Project is pleased to release two new submodules from its 
Training Suite of training resources: entitled “Research Impact”[1] and “Impact 
of Research Infrastructures”[2].
When a researcher produces any kind of scientific work this is generally done 
with a short-term as well as a long-term motivation. Researchers are 
continually looking for ways to shed new light on the topic of their research. 
When looking at the future, there are often greater aspirations at play, 
concerning what their research output will hopefully achieve.
“Most, if not all, researchers are motivated by the thought or hope that their 
research will make a real difference of some sort in the world, and this is 
fundamentally what is meant by saying your research has an impact,” according 
to the Vitae Careers Research and Advisory Centre.
The first new training submodule “Research Impact” [1] (within Introduction to 
Research Infrastructures) is about that longer term research goal: to create 
impact. Supported by slides, images, interviews and videos, this section will 
give an overview of the many different forms of impact, while also providing 
insight in how your individual impact as a researcher can be measured. This 
section also provides you with some ideas on how research infrastructures can 
increase the impact of your work.
The second new training submodule “Impact of Research Infrastructures” [2] 
(within Management Challenges in Research Infrastructures) focuses especially 
on the impact of research infrastructures from a management perspective: it 
gives a definition and shows ways of how to measure and enhance impact for 
research infrastructures. It also explains the difference between impact and 
Both submodules conclude with a “Voices from the Community” special. In a 
selection of long interviews and videos collages, members of the Digital 
Humanities and Cultural Heritage community, who are for one or other reasons 
experts in the fields of impact and outreach, share their insights and 
The new submodules around impact form a valuable and timely addition to the 
existing modules and also include the video recording of the very successful 
first PARTHENOS eHumanities and eHeritage Series webinar about impact [3].
The new submodules offer both a linear path through the topics, and the option 
to pick and choose sections according to what the user is most interested in 
learning. The PARTHENOS Training team, led by Dr. Jennifer Edmond, invites 
lecturers and trainers to use these materials in their own courses.
Would you like to stay updated about the PARTHENOS project? Please sign up for 
our mailing list on the PARTHENOS website[http://www.parthenos-project.eu/] [4].
[4] http://www.parthenos-project.eu/
[5] http://www.fh-potsdam.de/

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