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[InetBib] Accepted papers at the Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval workshop @ECIR2018

Dear colleagues,

the 7th International Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval 
(BIR 2018) to be held as part of the 40th European Conference on Information 
Retrieval (ECIR) in Grenoble (France) is taking shape.


In the following we list all keynotes and accepted papers.

We are looking forward to an interactive full day workshop at March 26, 2018.

Best regards,

The BIR 2018 chairs
Philipp Mayr, Ingo Frommholz, and Guillaume Cabanac

Here is a tweet on this.

** Keynotes:

Cyril Labbé
Trends in Gaming Indicators: On Failed Attempts at Deception and their 
Computerised Detection

Ralf Schenkel
Integrating and exploiting public metadata sources in a bibliographic 
information system

Accepted papers:

**regular papers

Andre Rattinger, Jean-Marie Le Goff and Christian Guetl
Local Word Embeddings for Query Expansion based on Co-Authorship and Citations

Anaïs Ollagnier, Sebastien Fournier and Patrice Bellot
BIBLME RecSys: Harnessing Bibliometric Measures for a Scholarly Paper 
Recommender System

Ameni Kacem Sahraoui and Philipp Mayr
Users are not influenced by high impact and core journals while searching

Marc Bertin and Iana Atanassova
InTeReC: an In-text Reference corpus for applying Natural language processing 
to Bibliometrics

Maria Janina Sarol, Linxi Liu and Jodi Schneider
Testing a Citation and Text-Based Framework for Retrieving Publications for 
Literature Reviews

**demo papers

Mario Cataldi, Luigi Di Caro and Claudio Schifanella
All for One or One for All? Analyzing Collaboration Patterns in Research 

Marie-Noelle Bessagnet
A particular research data: a set of tweets

Dr. Philipp Mayr
Team Leader

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8,  D-50667 Köln, Germany
Tel: + 49 (0) 221 / 476 94 -533
Email: philipp.mayr@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:philipp.mayr@xxxxxxxxx>
Web: http://www.gesis.org<http://www.gesis.org/>

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.