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[InetBib] REMINDER: Entries to the 'Bit List' of Digitally Endangered Species close tomorrow

There are just 24 hours left until the deadline for entries to ‘Bit List’ of 
Digitally Endangered Species. Once the nominations have been collected and 
collated, an international panel of digital preservation experts will evaluate 
the entries, before arriving at their final list which will be published in 
conjunction with International Digital Preservation Day 
(IDPD17)<http://dpconline.org/events/international-digital-preservation-day> on 
30th November.

The last date for entries is Saturday 30th September.

Examples might include content which has no obvious long-term home (such as the 
digital archives of community groups), different digital formats (for example: 
websites running Flash as the plugin becomes obsolete), or content where the 
value is recognized but the efforts to preserve have been incomplete (such as 
scientific e-journals).  Nominations might combine all of these themes, such as 
personal social media content as there is still so little in place to capture 
the volume, complexity and context of this information.

The publication of the Bit List is the Digital Preservation Coalition's (DPC) 
contribution to the first IDPD17, taking place in just over two months. Data 
creators, curators and consumers from around the world are invited to 
contribute and prepare to share stories of their own 'digital preservation day' 
in celebration of the opportunities created by digital materials.

Nominate now: http://dpconline.org/our-work/digitally-endangered-species
*apologies for cross-posting*

Sarah Middleton
Head of Communications and Advocacy
Digital Preservation Coalition
37 Tanner Row, York, YO1 6WP

Tel: 01904 601952

Email: sarah@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:sarah@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Twitter: @Sarah_DPC


Celebrate digital preservation on 30th November 2017
#IDPD17 | http://dpconline.org/events/international-digital-preservation-day

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