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[InetBib] Fwd: EU Copyright Reform / Freud & Leid beim Copyright

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Wer es noch nicht mitbekommen hat: gestern nahm das EU-Parlament mit der Verabschiedung des Reda-Reports eine wichtige Hürde zur Weiterentwicklung des europäischen Urheberrechts. Das betrifft auch und gerade Bibliotheken, obwohl sich die Medien nur auf das Thema der Panoramafreiheit gestürzt haben. Gleichzeitig muß sich die EU aber auch kritisieren lassen wegen ihrer Blockadehaltung bei der WIPO in Bezug auf einen internationalen Vertrag zugunsten von Bibliotheken und Archiven. Zur Erläuterung beider Vorgänge folgen hier Zitate aus anderen Mails.


We would like to inform you that the European Parliament voted today during the Plenary Session in Strasbourg on the JURI Committee Report on the Implementation of the InfoSoc Directive from MEP Reda [2014/2256(INI) <http://www.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/popups/ficheprocedure.do?reference=2014/2256%28INI%29&l=en&mailer=true> - (A8-0209/2015 - 150)].

----- Forwarded message -----
De :
Date : jeu., juil. 9, 2015 18:45
Objet : EU Copyright Reform
Pour : "eblida@xxxxxxxxxx" <eblida@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

Today is a great day for European democracy.

The European Parliament by approving the report of the Legal Affairs Committee on the INFOSOC directive is clearly calling for copyright reform.

EBLIDA hopes that the own initiative report will help the European Commission in its further work on the impact assessment process and on its draft proposal for a new copyright law.

This report is a first steps towards greater recognition of the rights of European citizens to access information and knowledge in the digital environment, as well as a greater recognition of the role of libraries on these issues.

However we don’t have much time to celebrate this good news.

Last week, the European Union has again impeded progress by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR) towards copyright laws that would aid the fulfilling of libraries and archives missions in an international digital environment (see attached).

We believe that MEPs are unaware of the role that the European Commission is playing in the WIPO Forum. European citizens must therefore now be involved in this debate too.

We are looking forward to further discussion with you on this topic as of September 2015.

Meanwhile, EBLIDA wishes you a relaxing summer once the Parliament session will be closed later in July.

Kind regards


Vincent Bonnet |Director EBLIDA

European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
2595 BE The Hague
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 70 31 40 137 - Mob: +316 31 96 55 11 - www.eblida.org <http://www.eblida.org/>

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Dr. Harald Müller
Aktionsbündnis "Urheberrecht für Bildung und Wissenschaft"
IFLA Document Delivery & Resource Sharing Section
EBLIDA Experts Group for Information Law

Mail: mueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LinkedIn: http://de.linkedin.com/pub/harald-müller/21/650/885/


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