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[InetBib] OT: International Summer School 2011 - Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart - 26.-30.09.2011
- Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 11:27:14 +0200
- From: Katrin Sauermann <sauermann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [InetBib] OT: International Summer School 2011 - Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart - 26.-30.09.2011
Liebe KollegInnen,
Folgende Meldung geht an mehrere Listen. Mehrfachempfang bitten wir zu
4th International Summer School 2011
Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart, 26. - 30.09.2011
Sammeln Sie internationale Pluspunkte für Ihre Karriere - bei den
International Summer School Workshops 2011 der Hochschule der Medien
(HdM), mit Referenten aus Australien, Dänemark, Deutschland, den
Niederlanden und Schweden.
Workshop 1: Structuring the Web
Workshop 2: Policies for Digital Preservation: the SHAMAN Framework
Workshop 3: Libraries as Enabling Spaces for Creative Practices
Workshop 4: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP)
Workshop 1: "Structuring the Web"
Any digital collection on the Web can be arranged by applying the
basic principles of traditional classification theory.
However, often websites do not use these basic principles and it is a
main reason why users have difficulty accessing information.
This workshop tells you how.
- Physical arrangement of information
- Structuring information on the web
- Structuring information on a PC
- Marjolein van den Linden, M.A., Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Peter Becker, Haagse Hogeschool, The Hague, Netherlands
Workshop 2: "Policies for Digital Preservation: the SHAMAN Framework"
This workshop explains the process of formulating a digital preservation policy
and the crucial factors to be taken into account. A particular focus is on the
formulation of digital preservation policies as seen from the perspective of
the SHAMAN framework, developed within a EU digital preservation project.
- The main principles of digital preservation policies
- The decision making process for creating infrastructure and selecting
suitable technology for digital preservation
- Communication with memory institutions interested in digital preservation
- The digital preservation process from the SHAMAN framework perspective
- Lars Höglund, Elena Maceviciute, Nasrine Olson, Tom Wilson, University of
Borås, Sweden
- Attila Zabos, German National Library, Frankfurt, Germany
Workshop 3: "Libraries as Enabling Spaces for Creative Practices"
When designing physical/digital mediation spaces like libraries,
traditional focus has been on effective information systems and
goal-directed information behaviour.
This workshop will take a broader view on libraries also enabling creative
practices like user participation and exploratory behaviour.
Special focus will be on how library design may trigger users to discover and
explore potentially interesting information
resources not known or not planned in advance.
- Creative practices in libraries and creativity stimulation
- The physical Library 2.0
- Exploratory information behavior in libraries
- Social navigation in libraries
- Mediation across the physical/digital divide
Lecturer: Dr. Lennart Björneborn, Royal School of Library and
Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark
Workshop 4: "Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP)"
Research to support effective library decision making should become part of
daily practice: to help library managers learn more about their work, to
develop better services and to share ideas about best practice.
This course presents an introduction to the management approach of
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP) which is
emerging as a key topic of discussion amongst many professionals in the
LIS sector. Practical examples and case studies are introduced to ensure that
real-life library problems are examined and discussed.
- Key concepts and principles of EBLIP
- The importance of using research and analysis to improve the quality
of decisions made as part of everyday library practice
- Practical implications of the tools and methods that support EBLIP
Lecturer: Dr. Gillian Hallam, Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane, Australia
Anmeldegebühr pro Workshop:
- 50 EUR für Studierende
- 300 EUR für Berufstätige
Online Anmeldung:
Weitere Informationen auf unserer Summer School Website, z.B.:
- Detaillierte Programme zu den Workshops
- Informationen zu den Dozenten
- Liste empfohlener Unterkünfte und Anfahrtsbeschreibung
Gerne beantworte ich Ihre Fragen
Katrin Sauermann (Dipl.-Bibl.)
Akademische Mitarbeiterin
Studiengang Bibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement
Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart
Wolframstraße 32
70191 Stuttgart
Tel: +49/0711/25706-211
Fax: +49/0711/25706-303
E-Mail: sauermann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.