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[InetBib] IFLA Satellite Conference Atlanta 2011

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

bitte beachten Sie den angefügten Call for Papers für die Satellite 
Conference der ILFA Sektionen "Library buildings and equipment" und 
"Information Technology".
Mit den besten Grüßen

Dorothea Sommer


building the 21st century library

10-11 August 2011
Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Technology provides a tool for the delivery of library service. 
Technology also shapes and limits how service can be delivered. The 
effective library building supports changing service patterns, changing 
modes of service delivery, and changing technological applications.
The IFLA Standing Committee on Library Buildings and Equipment, with the 
support of the IT Standing Committee, offers this satellite workshop in 
advance of the 2011 IFLA World Library and Information Congress to 
explore the ways technology impacts library service today, and, more 
specifically, how our buildings have responded to those changes in 
recent projects and how our buildings will have to be designed to 
respond to future changes.

Sessions will be organized around the following topics:

*Impact of technology in support of library operations*
New operational patterns such as self-service circulation, automated 
materials handling, mobile staff service desks, and automated materials 
dispensing kiosks are changing how basic library work routines occur.

* How have service patterns changed in light of these new operations?
* What new requirements are placed on the library building as a result 
of these new patterns of operation?
* What further changes in the physical building can we expect as a 
result of new operational technologies?

Impact of technology for patron use
Patrons come to the library to use a variety of up-to-date technology. 
Today, their expectations often extend beyond information-seeking. 
Increasingly, library users want to generate electronic content in 
production labs and other similar spaces. In addition, library users are 
bringing their own technology into the library. Although devices such as 
e-book readers are hardly “new” anymore, the impact of such devices on 
library service continues to evolve.

* How have these technologies affected library service patterns?
* What new service patterns (such as media production labs) are starting 
to emerge?
* What is the latest thinking about how these patterns will continue to 
* How does building design and layout have to change to support these 
* What new design strategies and building products are available to 
accommodate these new patterns of use?

Shifting user expectations
A new generation of users brings to the library a new set of 
expectations for service. “Digital natives” – young people who have had 
electronic access to information their entire lives – arguably approach 
e-resources differently than older “digital migrants.” At the same time, 
as segments of the population grow older, their expectations of what 
they want from the library – and their physical capabilities – change. 
The library building must respond.

* How do we provide new types of spaces and facilities that enable users 
to co-operate face-to-face on site while integrating their electronic 
workspace in a collaborative manner – physical spaces
(and often space-intensive ones) where users can work together virtually 
and which are conducive to relaxation, communication and debate
* How do “digital natives” differ from “digital migrants” in their 
approach to the library?
* How do library service strategies change as a result and what 
strategies must be employed in library design?
* How can the library building accommodate those variations?

*Beyond technology *
The availability of electronic access to information prompts some 
members in the community to declare the library is obsolete. In fact, 
there is abundant evidence that any such declaration is premature. Just 
as the library has long been more than just books, today it is about 
more than just technology. Still, while they have incorporated 
technology into their services, libraries have also expanded into other 
areas and services. Some libraries, for example, have become community 
gathering places and centers for programs and activities. All of these 
changes also affect a library’s building needs.

* What additional service patterns have emerged in libraries, as a 
result of or in parallel with the adoption of electronic services?
* What requirements have these additional service patterns imposed on 
library design?

*A new library for the 21st century*
For the last ten years, we have designed “libraries for the 21st 
century,” but all too many of them have looked more like a 20th century 
library with a new cover. This session will explore:

* How does a 21st century library building differ from a 20th century 
library building?
* How does a 21st century library building successfully blend 
traditional service with newer patterns of use?
* What design aspects in the building reflect a 21st century library?

Presentation of case studies is encouraged to highlight recently 
constructed or remodeled libraries that model traits of what a 21st 
century library could be.

The IFLA Standing Committee on Library Buildings and Equipment welcomes 
submission of abstracts from prospective presenters regarding each of 
these topics. From among the abstracts received 3-5 papers on each topic 
will be selected for presentation at the satellite meeting. Papers may 
describe recent projects that have successfully emulated the themes 
discussed above. Papers may also offer a more speculative viewpoint, 
with forecasts of how libraries and their services will evolve to meet 
future needs of the community and how library buildings will need to 
change as a result.

The abstract should include a brief description (2-3 paragraphs) of 
themes to be presented in the full paper. Provide a short summary of the 
credentials of the speaker(s), as well as contact information for the 
primary presenter (name, institution, address, and email).

Submit program proposals electronically to:

Anders C. Dahlgren
Library Planning Associates, Inc.
Normal, IL 61761 U.S.A.

Abstracts should be received by March 1, 2011. Papers will be selected 
for presentation by March 18, 2011. Participants selected for the 
satellite meeting will be expected to submit the full text of the 
presentation by June 1, 2011. Accompanying PowerPoint files will be 
submitted by July 1, 2011 for posting on the web page of the IFLA 
Standing Committee on Library Buildings and Equipment for program 
registrants in advance of the conference.

Please note:
All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, 
accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No 
financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can 
be issued to authors.


Dr. Dorothea Sommer
Secretary, IFLA Section Library buildings and Equipment

Stellvertretende Direktorin

Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt
August-Bebel-Str. 13
06098 Halle (Saale)

Tel. 0345/ 55 22 191
Fax 0345/ 55 27 140



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