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[InetBib] E-Book Standards und was unsere Nutzer wünschen
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
im Nachklang zum Leipziger Kongress und als Hinweis für alle deutschen
Auch international kommt man zu dem Schluß, den die Frankfurter und
Bayrischen Umfragen zur E-Book Nutzung ermittelt haben:
"Librarians expect significant growth in e-book acquisitions, according
to HighWire's recent 'eBooks Librarian Survey'.
The survey of 138 librarians from 13 countries was conducted as part of
HighWire's ongoing exploration of the fast-growing scholarly e-book market.
The survey data was analysed by Michael Newman, Stanford University’s
head biology librarian. He also concluded that: simplicity and ease of
use seem more important than sophisticated end-user features and that
users tend to discover e-books through both the library catalogue and
search engines. He also observed that users today prefer PDFs but that
format preference will likely change as technology changes. In addition,
DRM seems to hinder e-book use for library patrons - the ability to
print is essential - and the most popular business model for librarians
is purchase with perpetual access. "
Also bitte: PDF, ausdrucken können, kein DRM, remote access, einfache
Bedienbarkeit, kein Feature-Firlefanz...
Viele Grüße
Dr. Klaus Junkes-Kirchen
Abteilungsleiter Medienbearbeitung
Tel. ++49 (0)69 798 39272
Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Frankfurt am Main
Bockenheimer Landstr. 134- 138
60325 Frankfurt am Main
UStIdNr./VAT no: DE 114110511
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