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[InetBib] ICSD-CfP verlaengert

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

auf Bitten indischer KollegInnen nachfolgend der Hinweis auf die diesjährige International Conference for Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web (ISCD) und die Terminverschiebung für die Abgabefrist für Vortragsvorschläge.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Achim Oßwald


International Conference for Digital Libraries
and the Semantic Web
(ICSD 2009 <http://www.icsd-conference.org/> )

September 8-11, 2009  -  University of Trento, Trento (ITALY)



*Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento (Italy)
*Johannes Keizer, FAO of the United Nations (Italy)
*Devika Madalli,Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (India)
*Wolfgan Nejdl, University of Hannover (Germany)
*ARD Prasad, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (India)
*Dagobert Soergel, University of Maryland (USA)
*Heiko Stoermer, University of Trento (Italy)

are pleased to announce:
the Opening of Papers Submissions and Deadline Extension to

JUNE 8, 2009;

to present
the Conference KEYNOTE SPEAKERS:
-Fausto Giunchiglia (University of Trento, Italy)
-Sankar. K Pal (Indian Statistical Institute, India)
and to invite submissions for the

"Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries" Workshop


Digital libraries, in the central view of the term, focus on storing and
organizing digital objects and providing access to these objects through
professional or user-generated metadata or content-based search (full
text, image content, full musical score). In an expanded view, DLs also
support annotation, generation or editing of digital objects and provide
tools for processing digital objects. The semantic Web focuses on the
formal representation of data for more precise retrieval and, more
importantly, for reasoning so that many often disparate items of data can
be combined to directly answer a user's question or to devise a plan of
action. ICDLSW addresses two main questions:

(1) How can digital libraries support Semantic Web functionality?
(2) How can Semantic Web technology improve digital libraries?

Ultimately the goal is an environment in which all functionality is
available to the user without the perception of different systems or
system boundaries. Contributions are sought that address one or both of
the main questions or steps towards the ultimate system.

SPECIFIC TOPICS that address one or both of the main questions can be
found at: http://www.icsd-conference.org/node/20.

FULL CALL FOR PAPERS available at: http://www.icsd-conference.org/node/1.

The conference will explore the area of digital libraries and the semantic
web through tutorials, workshops, demonstrations, invited talks and
presentations. The conference will also serve as a working platform for
communities to discuss and agree on joint work. We also encourage the
submission of WORKSHOP proposals for this purpose.


*** June 8, 2009***: Submission (Papers, Posters & Workshops)
July 1, 2009: Notification
July 13, 2009: Camera-ready copy
Tuesday, September 8, 2009: Workshop on "Advanced Technologies for Digital

Wednesday-Friday, September 9-11, 2009 - 13 h: International Conference
for Digital Libraries and the Semantic Web (ICSD 2009)

FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://www.icsd-conference.org/

Prof. Dr. Achim Oßwald
Fachhochschule Koeln / Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Institut fuer Informationswissenschaft / Institute of Information Science
Fakultaet fuer Informations- und Kommunikationswissenschaften
Claudiusstr. 1,  50678 Koeln / Cologne      Germany
Tel. + 49 / 221 / 8275-3375

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