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[InetBib] Google Book Settlement (was: Rollt ...
- Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 18:26:40 +0100
- From: Karl Dietz <karl.dietz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [InetBib] Google Book Settlement (was: Rollt ...
Svenska böcker läggs ut på Google
Av Arvid Jurjaks
Först publicerad: 5 februari 2009 08:21
Senast uppdaterad: 9 februari 2009 02:00
6 kommentarer
An agreement between Google and american authors gives the search giant
the right to scan even swedish books. Now, authors and
publishers in Sweden have 3 months to make objections – otherwise it is
expected that they accept the new conditions.
- One is quite simply being involved in something that one does not want
to participate in, says Pia Janné Nyberg, lawyer at Svenska
Since 5 years ago, there has been a dispute between Google and american
publishers and authors.
The occasion is the search giants project to establish a digital library
by scanning a huge quantity of books. In conflict with copyright,
several authors and publishers considered and chose to sue Google.
But now, both sides have come to an agreement. A conciliation agreement
has been established and June 11th this year, it is expected
that an american law court will approve the agreement. The agreement will
then concern everybody who is affected by american
Barely important to swedish authors, one should think. But affected by
american copyright is roughly speaking everybody who is
issuing books and periodicals.
This weekend Google is announcing in swedish newspapers – and swedish
authors and publishers have a deadline May 5th to decide:
Accept the agreement – which means to sign away the right to sue Google in
the future. It also means that one gives Google the right
to scan copyrighted material into its electronic database
If Google not hear from you, it is expected that you have accepted the
This agreement was jut dumped upon us. It is a complicated agreement of
several hundred pages, says Pia Janné Nyberg, lawyer at
Svenska Förläggareföreningen.
What has the different sides done to hear your opinion?
- Nothing. They have not informed us at all. We did not even know that
settlement negotiations have been in progress.
The conciliation agreement implies that the authors have the right to 63
percent of the so called revenues of use which Google will
get from its new service.
Sveriges Författarförbund (Swedish author association) is gently positive
to the fact that both sides in US have succeeded in making
an agreement and think that the conciliation agreement is good.
-We have not studied it in detail. It is clear that there are
difficulties, but it is good that there is a possibility to refuse, says
the mayor
of the association.
Both the author association and the publisher association are now working
actively with informimg their members.
Google's office in Sweden has not given any comment.
Was bedeutet das fuer die deutschsprachigen Laender?
Nun, einen Monat und einige Tage später ist ein bisschen zu sehen.
Es kommen härtere Tage, zB in archivalia und auch auf textkritik.de zu
sehen - die FAZ und taz infos gingen ja schon an inetbib...
Mit freundlichem Gruss
Manfred Hauer
Und nachträglich ein Danke für die englische Übersetzung!
Gruesse, Karl
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