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Re: [InetBib] [AMIA-L] Robert Darnton on Google and books
- Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 01:16:37 +0100
- From: Karl Dietz <karl.dietz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [InetBib] [AMIA-L] Robert Darnton on Google and books
Delin, Peter schrieb:
Robert Darnton, an historian and university librarian at Harvard, has
just published an excellent piece that contextualizes Google's bold
book-scanning initiative and takes on the question of whether
centralizing access to culture is a good or bad idea. Highly recommended.
Danke für den Hinweis, Herr Delin!
Noch ein Zitat aus dem Artikel:
Yes, we must digitize. But more important, we must democratize. We must
open access to our cultural heritage. How? By rewriting the rules of the
game, by subordinating private interests to the public good, and by
taking inspiration from the early republic in order to create a Digital
Republic of Learning.
Robert Darnton, Google & the future of books
via a.
"The field of knowledge is the common property of mankind,
and any discoveries we make in it will be for the benefit
of yours and every other nation, as well as our own."
Thomas Jefferson
Helmut Hiller: Wörterbuch des Buches, 1967
Vatikan kooperiert mit Google
Der Vatikan will Internet-Medien verstärkt nutzen und hat dazu eine
Partnerschaft mit Google vereinbart. Geplant sei ein eigener Kanal für
Videos, Bilder und Texte unter Beteiligung des vatikanischen
FErnsehzentrums (CTV) und von Radio Vatikan, hieß es in Rom.
via ard.de
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