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[InetBib] [x-list] Rare Books + graffiti
- Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 19:43:19 +0100
- From: "Karl Dietz" <karl.dz@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [InetBib] [x-list] Rare Books + graffiti
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Date: Mar 7, 2007 7:24 PM
Subject: [x-list] Rare Books in fine digital form
* The Max Besson Library of "Japonica" Collection
Collected by Max Besson in Paris, consists of about 380 items of
publications related to the first encounter of Japan with Europe.
Chiefly literatures of early Christianity in Japan, published in
16th and 17th centuries. Rare books of overseas editions of early
Christianity in Japan included, such as "Oratio habita a Fara D.
Martino", and the trilogy of Collado.
* Stein Collection (Bibliothek Ludwig und Arthur Stein)
Consists of the former private library of the German philosopher
Ludwig Stein (1859-1930) and his son Arthur Stein. Valuable to
investigate their philosophical background. Their philosophy has a
specific character in that both Ludwig and Arthur Stein were
pioneers in perceiving the importance of social and educational
problems in contemporary culture. In this sense, this collection
has a great value for the research of the social and educational
philosophies early in the 20th century, containing plenty of
literature related to those subjects.
* Collection Histoire de l'education en France (History of the
education in France)
Consists of 365 volumes of books published from 18th to 20th
century. The main part of this collection is the materials around
the 1870's, the period of the formation of the Third Republic
(1870-1940). Includes various subjects, such as educational
system, educational administration, classical writings in thoughts
in pedagogy, and also reports of the situation of the elementary
education in the 19th century, the minutes of conference of
teachers, pamphlets of local statistics of education, etc.
* Comenius Library
Consists of 236 items concerning Czech educator Johann Amos
Comenius (1592-1670). Donated by professor Satoru Umene, on the
occasion of his retirement from the Tokyo University of Education.
Included both the materials: those which professor Umene had
accumulated personally since his school days, and also those which
he had purchased at public charge as a professor of the
University. Donation accepted June 1967. As a collection on
Comenius, one of the most distinguished ones in the world.
* Collection of British Legal History
Consists of compilations of statutes and leading cases of the
United Kingdom since the 15th century, and learned books. This
collection can be divided in two parts: the one is a compilation
of enacted laws of England; and the other is Scottish statutes,
leading cases, encyclopedias, and learned books. The legislation
of England belongs to the Anglo-American law system, and the
legislation of Scotland belongs to the Continental law system.
This collection is valuable for individual studies on the
legislation systems of England and Scotland, and also for their
comparative study.
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...noch dies:
Auch bei den mutwilligen Sachbeschädigungen, in die unter anderem
Graffiti-Schmierereien einzubeziehen sind, ist im
Jahresstatistikvergleich ein erfreulicher Rückgang von 13,1 %, in
Zahlen von 176 auf 153 Fälle, zu verzeichnen. Hier bleibt zu hoffen,
dass bei den meist jugendlichen Verantwortlichen die Erkenntnis, für
die Schäden auch finanziell aufkommen zu müssen, langsam zu einem
positiven Umdenken führt.
Kriminalstatistik 2006 der Polizeiinspektion Eichstätt
Viele Gruesse, Karl Dietz
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