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Ankündigung: METS Opening Day UK

Hallo liebe Liste,

für alle jene, die internationale Listen nicht lesen, anbei die Ankündigung des METS Opening Days UK - die einzige geplante Veranstaltung zum Metadata Encoding and TransmissioN Standard.

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The third METS Opening Day event will take place in the United Kingdom at
the British Library
Conference Center, St. Pancras, London on July 12, 2004.  Those wishing to
attend should
register at http://www.loc.gov/standards/mets/od_UK_form.html.  Information
the program and tips on traveling to the conference are available from the

This event will provide an overview of the METS metadata schema, and
discuss the basics
of implementing digital library systems which use METS. Participants will
be given an opportunity
to see how to build METS documents from scratch, and learn about how other
institutions are
implementing METS. There will also be opportunities to discuss the
technical details of
implementing METS, including the use of creation tools, endorsed extension
schema, and
making METS documents available to users.

We look forward to seeing you in London!

Jerome McDonough
Digital Library Development Team Leader
Elmer Bobst Library, New York University
70 Washington Square South, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10012
(212) 998-2425

-------------------- schnipp schnapp -----------------

Viel Spass
Markus Enders, GDZ

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.