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Amazon launches its own Internet search engine --> http://www.a9.com/

Liebe LeserInnen von INETBIB,
vermutlich fuer Insider wieder keine grosse Ueberraschung und wohl
fuer die WWW-Recherche im Moment auch nur von begrenztem Reiz, ist es
vielleicht hier doch eine kurze Notiz wert.

Naeheres z.B. unter

Interessantes Zitat daraus:
"I was talking about this with someone else and they were less than
enthused. "It's just a Google search. Who cares?" While I agree that I
would have been much more impressed if A9 had had its own search index, I
still think this is a giant step forward. This is an integration of a
discrete set of content (book results, and content from books) that in
toto are more credible than the Web as a whole. (I said in toto. I'm not
going to argue the credibility of individual books.)

It is my opinion that we are going to see this more and more often. The
GILS conference smacked me across the head with it; there are simply too
many valuable collections of data that are being ignored or insufficiently
indexed for a variety of reasons. In a perfect world, of the site search
companies like Atomz or FreeFind would team up with Google. They'd seek
out these data collections, offer to index them, then hook up their
indexes to Google's main index. Then Google and these partners could split
the ad revenue on search results that come from those pages."


Zitat daraus:
"A9's service relies heavily on Google, which supplies many of the search
results, and Amazon's Alexa subsidiary, which provides traffic, related
sites and other information on specific Web sites.

Search results also include text ads from Google's sponsored links

  Mit freundlichem Gruss

   Mario Kowalak

   Freie Universitaet Berlin     Mario Kowalak
   Informationszentrum und
   Garystrasse 39                Tel: (030) 838-54227/-54273
   14195 Berlin                  E-Mail: kowalak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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