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Naturwissenschaftliche Spezialbibliothek für 2 Mio. $ zu verkaufen
Die Aquatic Research Institute Library in San Francisco steht für 2 Mio.
USD zum Verkauf. Die Bibliothek verfügt über eine wertvolle Sammlung
fischkundlicher Werke. URL des Verkaufskatalogs s. anhängende Mail.
Marcel Brannemann
From: "Johnson, Steve" <sjohnson _at__ wcs.org>
Reply-To: nhc _at__ u.washington.edu
To: SLA Natural History Caucus <nhc _at__ u.washington.edu>
Subject: Aquatic Research Institute Library for sale
An e-mail today from Wheldon & Wesley announces the sale of the Aquatic
Research Institute Library collection (San Francisco). The 18 page
catalog, in pdf format, includes item pricing for the rare book
collection. The collection as a whole is priced at US$2 million. Alhough
sales of whole libraries are shocking events, many NHC subscribers may
find the catalog worth the shock to have a look.
Weldon & Wesley has limited information on the collection on their
website, http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~wheldwes. I'm sure Tony Swann
would be happy to send the PDF to anyone who would like to scan it, even
if one isn't in the market for an aquatic sciences collection.
Steven Johnson
Wildlife Conservation Society
sjohnson _at__ wcs.org
Marcel Brannemann - mbrannemann _at__ awi-bremerhaven.de
- Bibliotheksleitung -
Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut
fuer Polar- und Meeresforschung
P.B. 120161, D-27515 Bremerhaven, Germany
Tel.: ++49 471/4831-1587 - Fax.: ++49 471/4831-1149
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