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Neues von Google

Liebe LeserInnen von Inetbib,
ich zitiere zunaechst mal der Einfachheit halber aus "SearchDay" (December
11, 2001 - Number 157):

"Google Fires New Salvo in Search Engine Size Wars 

Google announced today that its web index has grown to more than 3 billion
documents, including a complete Usenet archive dating back to 1981. The
search engine is also putting a major emphasis on freshness, re-indexing
several million pages on a daily basis, as well as adding links to
relevant news stories for many queries.
Of the 3 billion total searchable documents, 2 billion are web pages, with
more than 75% of those pages fully indexed. 700 million are Usenet posts,
and 330 million are images. "To search our collection of 3 billion
documents by hand, it would take 5,707 years, searching twenty-four hours
per day, at one minute per document," said Larry Page, Google's co-founder
and president of Products. "With Google, it takes less than a second."
"We've been pushing up the index size beyond what we've officially said,"
said Urs Hölzle, Google Fellow. Hölzle added that scaling up Google's
index hasn't required significant changes. "We're continually monitoring
quality, and haven't actually had that many changes since the 1 billion
pages announcement." While the enhanced web index is certainly an
impressive achievement, perhaps even more noteworthy is Google's
comprehensive Usenet index of 700 million postings in more than 35,000
topical categories, with a full archive going back to 1981 -- the year
Usenet began..."

Der komplette Artikel befindet sich unter:

So weit, so gut.
Daneben habe ich nun geruechteweise gehoert, dass hinter der immensen
Rechenleistung von good old Google (die sich moeglicherweise
marktwirtschaftlich gar nicht rechnen duerfte ;-) die NSA (National 
Security Agency) stecken soll?!! -- Holla!!

["... The National Security Agency is the Nation's cryptologic
organization. It coordinates, directs, and performs highly specialized
activities to protect U.S. information systems and produce foreign
intelligence information. A high technology organization, NSA is on the
frontiers of communications and data processing. It is also one of the
most important centers of foreign language analysis and research within
the Government..." Quelle: http://www.nsa.gov/about_nsa/index.html]

Das waere recht bestechend, weil man einerseits eine Unmenge an Servern
durchleuchten und nebenbei weltweit das Surf- und Klickverhalten der
Online-User beobachten koennte. 

Es ist, wie gesagt, ein Geruecht. Weiss jemand mehr (und ist bereit, in
diesem Forum "auszupacken")?? Oder handelt es sich um einen Fake (lanciert
von der neidischen Konkurrenz, der die Kunden in Scharen davon
laufen...)?? Vielleicht ist es auch ein alter Hut, der sich jetzt erst bis
hier herumspricht...

Gespannt auf sachdienliche Hinweise, gruesst aus Berlin-Dahlem

   Mario Kowalak

   Freie Universitaet Berlin     Mario Kowalak
   Informationszentrum und
   Garystrasse 39                Tel: (030) 838-54227/-54273
   14195 Berlin                  E-Mail: kowalak _at__ ub.fu-berlin.de

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