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digital library course for science and technology librarians
- Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 12:07:03 MET
- From: "Jola Prinsen" <Jola.Prinsen _at__ kub.nl>
- Subject: digital library course for science and technology librarians
This message will be cross-posted. My appologies
for any duplication.
Dear colleagues,
I would like to draw your attention to a course
on the digital library which will be held at
CERN, Geneva, in March 2002. The course
specifically aims at librarians in science and
technology. People can register until 14 January
2002. Below you will find a press release with
further information and relevant URLs.
Kind regards,
Jola Prinsen
Press release
International Spring School on the Digital
Library and E-publishing for Science and
>From 3 - 8 March 2002, a 4.5-day course on
digital libraries and e-publishing will be held
on the premises of CERN in Switzerland. The
course has been especially developed for
librarians in the fields of science and
technology. The course is being organised by
Ticer B.V. and Tilburg University, renowned for
their International Summer School on the Digital
Library, in co-operation with the CERN
Scientific Information Service and the Los
Alamos National Laboratory Research Library. The
course director is Rick Luce, Research Library
Director at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Target group
The course is aimed at providing knowledge
support to academic libraries, research
libraries, and publishers in the current
transitional phase and to identify new roles and
opportunities for them. The programme is
designed for library managers, librarians,
reference librarians, subject specialists,
publishers and other information professionals
in the fields of science and technology.
Advanced libraries will mainly be addressed,
without excluding the less technically advanced
Learning objectives
Participants should complete the course with a
knowledge of:
- the current changes in the information chain,
possible roles and opportunities for science and
technology libraries;
- the strategies of other (commercial and
scholarly) players on the market;
- the organisational and technical aspects of
electronic self-publishing;
- different approaches to licensing and the
forming of consortia;
- the experiences with integrating digital
content in leading institutions.
Group discussions and workshops will enable
participants to apply the new information to
their own situation.
The following subjects will be dealt with:
changes in the information chain; new roles of
publishers on the Internet; the library as the
information gateway, the library as a publisher;
licensing options; library consortia; electronic
pre-prints, document servers and the Open
Archives Initiative; reference linking; and
library case studies.
Many international experts will present
lectures, case studies, and demonstrations,
- Jonathan Clark (Elsevier Science, The
- David Dallman (CERN, Switzerland)
- Mark Doyle (American Physical Society, USA)
- Frederick Friend (University College London,
United Kingdom)
- Hans Geleijnse (European University Institute,
- Emanuella Giavarra (Chambers of Mark Watson-
Gandy, United Kingdom)
- Gertraud Griepke (Springer-Verlag, Germany)
- Rick Johnson (The Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition, USA)
- David Kohl (University of Cincinnati, USA)
- Rick Luce (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
- Teun Nijssen (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
- Thomas W. Place (Tilburg University, The Netherlands)
- Herbert Van de Sompel (The British Library, United Kingdom)
- Jens Vigen (CERN, Switzerland)
- Engelbert Zass (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland)
More information
A detailed programme, the biographies of the lecturers, and administrative
details are available at the course web site: http://www.ticer.nl/spring02/. A
course brochure can be requested at the address below, or by filling out the
form at http://www.ticer.nl/spring02/form.htm.
Ticer B.V.
Mrs. Jola Prinsen
P.O. Box 4191
5004 JD Tilburg
The Netherlands
Phone: +31-13-4668310
Fax: +31-13-4668383
E-mail: ticer _at__ kub.nl
Jola Prinsen
Deputy manager
Ticer B.V., P.O. Box 4191, 5004 JD Tilburg, The Netherlands
tel. +31-13-466 8310, fax +31-13-466 8383
http://www.ticer.nl, e-mail jola.prinsen _at__ kub.nl
In the office on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.