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bookbinding 1500-1800

Liebe Kollegen,

gern gebe ich eine Seminarankuendigung des VDR an Sie weiter.
Ich denke, das Thema duerfte auch fuer den ein oder anderen von Ihnen
von Interesse sein. Event. cross-posting bitte ich zu entschuldigen.

Viele Gruesse,


Vom 25. bis 27. September 2001 veranstaltet der Verband der
Restauratoren e.V. (VDR ) im Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlin ein Seminar mit
Dr. Nicholas Pickwoad, Norwich. Die Kurssprache ist Englisch.

European Bookbinding, 1500 - 1800

The history of bookbinding is not simply the history of a decorative
art, but that of a craft answering a commercial need. This course will
follow European bookbinding from the end of the Middle Ages to the
beginning of the Industrial Revolution, using the bindings themselves
to illustrate the aims and intentions of the binding trade. A large
part of the course will be devoted to the identification of both broad
and detailed distinctions within the larger groups of plain commercial
bindings and the possibilities of identifying the work of different
coun-tries, cities, even workshops without reference to finishing
tools. The identification and signi-ficance of the different materials
used in bookbinding will be examined, as well as the classi-fication
of bookbindings by structural type, and how these types developed
through the three centuries covered by the course. The development of
binding decoration will be touched on, but will not form a major part
of the discussion.

The course consists of ten 90-minute sessions with slides, with time
for discussion and que-stions at the end. The students are expected to
have a sound knowledge of bookbinding terms and a basic knowledge of
the history of book production in the period under discussi-on. The
purpose of the course is to encourage an awareness of the
possibilities latent in the detailed study of bookbindings and is thus
aimed at all those handling books bound in this period, but it has
particular relevance for all those involved in the repair and
conservation of such, whether conservators and binders or curators and

Informationen und Anmeldung:
Hannelore Wimmel
Postfach 1208
D - 79250 Stegen
Tel. 07661 - 61036
Fax: 07661 - 62150
E-Mail: AdR-Wimmel _at__ t-online.de
Dr. Thomas Staecker (Leiter Abteilung Alte Drucke)
Herzog August Bibliothek - Postfach 1364 - D 38299 Wolfenbuettel
Tel. +49(0)5331/808-119 - email: staecker _at__ hab.de

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