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Access to electronic periodicals again
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
Hier weitere Informationen und noch einmal ein Versuch, die letzten, noch freien
Plätze für folgendes Seminar zu besetzen:
Montag, 22. Februar 1999, 13.30 - 18.00 Uhr
Technische Universität Dresden, Universitätsrechenzentrum, Raum A 220
Zellescher Weg 12, 01069 Dresden
13.30 - 16.30
Session 1:Workshop (in englischer Sprache) siehe unten ...
Referent: Referent: Terry Morrow, BIDS
Gebühr: DM 30,-- max. 15 Peronen
17.00 - 18.00
Session 2: Institute of Physics: Electronic journals (in deutscher Sprache)
Referentin: Frauke Gisela Ralf, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol
max. 30 Personen
Anmeldung erbeten an:
Jens Lazarus, The Bristish Council
Lumumbastr. 11-13, 04105 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341/564-6712, Fax: 0341/564-7152
E-Mail: jens.lazarus _at__ britcoun.de
Outline of Programme (session 1)
Workshop - "Access to Electronic Journals"
Workshop leader - Terry Morrow (ingenta ltd)
Dresden - Monday 22nd February 1999
Workshop aims
Participants will expect to get a clear idea of what electronic journals are,
how they are being used, and the impact they are having on users and on
Style of workshop
The workshop will be very informal, with plenty of opportunity for discussion of
the issues raised. It will also be interactive, with a number of practical
sessions and exercises for the participants.
Issues covered by the workshop
E-journals - a review of what is currently on offer; parallel publication,
purely electronic journals, pre-print archives, types of electronic journal,
advantages and disadvantages of e-journals, readability, access (short and long
term), network loads
Technologies - an overview of current and developing technologies relevant to
network publishing, including Z39.50, PDF, SGML, XML, Dublin Core
Licensing - different models (pay per view, subscriptions), definitions of
eligible users, problems of access after licence expiry
Authentication - review of methods (usernames/passwords, IP address), problems
of remote access
Services - an review of the different service providers and services, including
publisher sites, intermediaries, aggregators, integrated bibliographic and full
text services
Impacts - looking at the ways in which the move to electronic publishing is
impacting on the ways of working of students, researchers, and information
professionals, future of paper publishing, impact on library usage
Archiving - the issues of who should be responsible for long term preservation
of electronic publications (library, publisher, national/international bodies),
technical issues, standards, migration of technologies, costs
Initiatives - a review of some relevant initiatives and projects, in the UK and
elsewhere, including the eLib programme
Future - a look at current trends that might show how electronic journals are
likely to develop in the future
Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.