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Re: Subject Gateways
On Fri, 28 Apr 2000, Karl Dietz wrote:
> > Subject Gateways
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> was ist das genau? so was aehnliches wie ein portal?
"Quality controlled subject services". Criteria:
0. Internet-service linking to numerous other sites or documents on the
1. Selection of resources in a intellectual process according to
published quality criteria
(this excludes e.g. selection according to automatically measured
2. Intellectually produced content description, in the spectrum between
short annotation and review
A good but not necessary criterion is the existence of intellectually
assigned keywords or controlled terms.
(this excludes automatically extracted so-called summaries)
3. (Intellectually constructed ?) fairly deep browsing
(this excludes completely unstructured lists of links)
4. (At least partly) manually generated (bibliographic) metadata for the
individual resources
According to these criteria Yahoo! wouldn't fulfil criterion 1,
private collections of linklists would miss criteria 3 and 4, often
even 2.
Are all criteria necessary for a "Quality controlled subject service"?
Quelle: http://www.lub.lu.se/tk/SBIG-definition.txt
Peter Haber
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