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Nochmal Amazon und "Big Brother"...

Schönen guten Morgen!

Bei Amazon scheint man bzgl. der "purchase circles" reagiert zu haben, folgende
Nachricht ist über die FITUG-Vereinsmailingliste gekommen.

Viele Grüße,
Daniel Rödding

----- Forwarded message from Ralf Stephan -----

From: "Ralf Stephan" <ralf _at__ ark.in-berlin.de>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 10:40:41 +0200
To: members _at__ fitug.de
Subject: Re: Big Brother, Big 'Fun' at Amazon (fwd)
Message-ID: <19990828104041.A9056 _at__ ark.in-berlin.de>

Da hat jmd schnell reagiert:


   12:00 p.m.  27.Aug.99.PDT
   Online retailer Amazon.com, reacting to concerns it was violating the
   privacy of customers, said Thursday it would let customers opt out of
   a new feature that shows group purchasing patterns.
   The Seattle-based company said it would allow people to exclude their
   purchases of books, videos, and CDs from its "Purchase Circles" page
   that shows sales rankings for groups such as corporations and for
   cities and states.

Befriedet die militanten Alten!

----- End of forwarded message from Ralf Stephan -----

Daniel Roedding                                       phone: +49 5252 9838 0
daniel _at__ roedding.de                                      fax: +49 5252 9838 20

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