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1. Evaluation von Nachhaltigkeit, 2. Innovations in Online Learning and Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities for Publishers

Liebe Listenteilnehmer(innen),

ich schicke Ihnen mit dieser Mail zwei Hinweise:

1. Da sich die Frage der "Evaluation von Nachhaltigkeit" auch fuer
Bibliotheken usw. stellt, zunaechst ein Hinweis aus "forum-evaluation": 

Auf EASY-ECO 2 vom 15.-17.Mai in Wien gab es 59 Vortraege zum Thema
"Evaluation von Nachhaltigkeit" bei Politiken, Programmen und Projekten
sowie einen Europaueberblick zur Evaluationspraxis in 11 Staaten. Die
Konferenz-Papers und Audio-Mitschnitte der Praesentationen koennen von
http://www.sustainability.at/easy/easy_eco2/easy2_proceedings.htm unter
"Proceedings" heruntergeladen werden.

2. geht es in der Mail, die ich aus "E-PUBLISHING-L" forwarde, um die
Frage der Verbindung & Verbindbarkeit von e-learning & publishing: Zwar
wird es fuer die Veranstaltung in London evtl. schon ein bisschen spaet
sein, ich glaube aber entlang eigener Erfahrungen mit dem Versuch,
beides kreativ zusammenzubringen, dass diese Thematik bzw. dass "new
opportunities for publishers" selbstredend auch new opportunities fuer
universitaere Publisher sind. Derzeit laufen beide Diskurse in Dtld
relativ getrennt (auch in getrennten Diskursgemeinschaften), was schade
& teuer ist & innovative Potenziale unterschaetzt ... 

Herzliche Gruesse,
Katja Mruck

FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung 
/ Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627)
Deutsch -> http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs.htm 
English -> http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs-eng.htm
Espanol -> http://www.qualitative-research.net/fqs/fqs-s.htm

Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative:
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(Please accept my apologies if you receive this message more than once)

Following last year's successful conference on the JISC Information Environment,
the PA/ ALPSP/JISC 'PALS' group, is pleased to announce this year's conference.

Innovations in Online Learning and Teaching:
Challenges and Opportunities for Publishers
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London NW1.
Friday 27th June 2003

As universities and colleges extend their use of online content to support
teaching and learning there will be substantial changes in their
requirements for externally-sourced content - and new opportunities for
publishers to supply some of that content. This timely conference offers a
forum for publishers, academics and librarians to keep up to date with new
innovations in online learning and teaching, and to debate which
developments will be strategically important in the future.

Dr Gilly Salmon, the well-known pioneer on e-learning from the Open
University Business School will provide a visionary start to the day, with
knowledge business consultant Liz Horne bringing us up to date on current
developments in HE, FE, and with publishers. We will then hear case studies
from Glasgow and Coventry Universities, where online learning is now well
established, and look at what role third party content might have in these

The afternoon session will focus on the practical issues involved in
implementing e-learning, with Chistoph Chesher from Taylor & Francis and
Alun Hughes from the University of Highlands and Islands Millennium
Institute looking at the challenges from the publisher and HEI perspective.

For more information and to download the full conference brochure and
registration form go to the PALS website (
Alternatively, contact Michele Cork (
mcork _at__ publishers.org.uk) to book or to
obtain hard copies of the brochure.
Debbie Stoddart
Email: marketing _at__ alpsp.org
Telephone:+44  (0)1780 757005
Fax: +44 (0) 1780 762057

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