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5 infos 4 ur info 2 Y2K
> From: dietz _at__ koma.free.de (Karl Dietz)
> hallo inetbib,
> nachfolgend vier aktuelle infos zum jahr-2000-problem.
> mfg
> karl dietz
lieber herr dietz,
lassen sie mich ihre vier infos durch eine fuenfte ergaenzen (obwohl ich
sicher bin, dass ich hier die wesentlichen informationen aus der unten
angegebenen url wiedergegeben habe, moechte ich darauf hinwiesen, dass
dort durchaus mrhr infos zu finden sind).
Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates were invited to
havedinner with God. During dinner, God told them, "I invited you to
dinner because I needed three important people to send my message
out to all people; tomorrow I will destroy the Earth!"
Yeltsin immediately called together his cabinet and told them, "I
have two really bad announcements to make. First, God really does
exist, and second, tomorrow he will destroy the Earth."
Clinton called an emergency session of Congress and told them: "I
have good news and bad news. The good news is that God does exist,
and the bad news is that he will destroy the Earth tomorrow."
Bill Gates went back to Microsoft headquarters and told his
people, "I have two fantastic announcements! First, I am one of
the three most important people on Earth, and second, the Year
2000 problem has been solved!"
gesehen in http://www.uni-marburg.de/hrz/pc/y2k.html
so, nun ist es raus.... das das zweikilojahrproblem ist also geloest!
gerold rosenberg
* Gerold Rosenberg *
* Universitaetsbibliothek Marburg *
* Wilhelm Roepke Strasse 4 *
* 35039 Marburg (Germany) *
* Tel.: +49 6421 28-5104 *
* Fax.: +49 6421 28-6506 *
* E-Mail: rosenber _at__ deep-thought.ub.uni-marburg.de *
* rosi _at__ ub.uni-marburg.de *
Never trust a short-haired guru.
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