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EInladung zu einem europäischen Anwenderworkshop zu open archives

Liebe Kollegen,

hiermit möchte ich Sie aug einen geplanten Workshop am 13.- 14. Mai in Pisa hinweisen,
bei dem es um eine Evaluierung der ersten eropäischen OAI Erfahrungen geht.

Über die eine oder andere deutsche Beteiligung würde ich mich freuen.

Schöne Grüße,
Susanne Dobratz.

Title: pisainvitation


Creating a European Forum 
for Open Archives Activities

13-14th May 2002, Pisa Italy



The “open archives” approach is gaining popularity in the scientific, cultural and learning communities. The technology adopted makes it possible to disseminate and exploit content that is currently not accessible to the wider public at a relatively low cost. If the full potential of this approach is fulfilled, it will have a significant impact on the building of new and more powerful service provision.


The Open Archives Forum (OA-Forum) is an EC 5th Framework Accompanying Measure for supporting the dissemination of information about European activities that adopt an open-archives based approach. OA-Forum aims at building a forum where European and national initiatives that use this approach can share their experiences and co-ordinate the development of software tools and infrastructures. Special attention is dedicated to those initiatives which are implementing or using the Open Archives Initiative Metadata Harvesting Protocol (< http://www.openarchives.org >) but the forum is also alert to other emerging solutions.


The First OA-Forum Workshop seeks to bring together researchers, technical implementers and project managers who are experimenting, or are willing to experiment, with  the open archives approach. The goal of the Workshop is to set up the basis of a European forum for sharing experiences and solutions and encouraging networking among projects. In order to achieve this objective the workshop will consists of presentations given by invited speakers as well as  small group sessions where participants can discuss key issues, possibly raised during the workshop itself. Possible topics are:


* Communities

What communities can benefit from the open archive approach? Do incentives, technical and organisational challenges, etc. differ in different communities? Which communities are already implementing the Open Archive Initiative Metadata Harvesting Protocol or other solutions? What kinds of services are emerging?

* Definition of the key vocabulary

Can we agree on  basic terminology? What are the main concepts that are used in the open archive everyday activity? Do these concepts differ for different communities? Are the definitions of these concepts clear? Can we jointly build a glossary

* Organizational Issues

What lessons about organisational issues, both barriers to adoption and positive factors, can we learn from early adopters? Which are the business models adopted? Are there issues related to subject-based archives as opposed to institutional-based archives? Can organisations reach consensus on metadata formats?

* Technical issues

Which kind of software tools are needed to support the open archives approach? What tools are already being used? Who is developing them? In Europe ? Elsewhere? Are they available to other implementers? Is there an appropriate “Open Source” environment for these tools?

* Building services in an open archive environment

What lessons have been learned by early-adopters of the open archives approach in the context of service provision? Can we extend openness to services? How can this be supported? What  kind of organizational and technical infrastructures are needed to facilitate this development?


The discussions and results of the Workshop will be summarised in a Workshop report that will be published on the OA-Forum Website.


Who should attend


People from organisations or projects that implement, or are considering implementing , open archives. Technical, research and project managers who are interested in  the open archives approach.


Invited Speakers (to be completed)

Fabio Asnicar,  International School For Advanced Studies, Italy --   Francoise Genova  , Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center, France   --  Michael Nelson, Old Dominon University, USA  --   Umberto Straccia , IEI-CNR, Italy  --   Martin Veseley, CERN, Switzerland  -- 




13-14th May, 2002



Area della Ricerca di Pisa,

Via G. Moruzzi, 1

Pisa (Italy)


The registration form and the workshop agenda are available on the Project Website ( http://www.oaforum.org ).

Booking deadline:
19 April 2002

If you have queries  please do not hesitate to  contact Donatella Castelli   (tel. +39 050 3152902, castelli _at__ iei.pi.cnr.it ) or Francesca Borri  (tel. +39 050 3153470, borri _at__ iei.pi.cnr.it ) .   



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