--- Begin Message ---
Dear colleagues
Can any of you help with the following message?
Perhaps you could also forward it to your national lists
>From Dave Jarman, Special Services Unit - Liverpool Central Library.
Looking to improve services for disabled people in our libraries. We are
getting equipment for use by visually impaired people, and are
interested in contacting anyone who has experience of providing speech
access to OPACs. We will shortly be converting to TALIS, but we would
appreciate hearing from people with experience of any system.
The address for any reply is:
John Winrow <jwinrow _at__ lvpublib.demon.co.uk>
Tricia Steel's address is tsteel _at__ library.croydon.gov.uk
The PubliCA web site is at
--- Begin Message ---
>From Dave Jarman, Special Services Unit - Liverpool Central Library.
Looking to improve services for disabled people in our libraries. We are
getting equipment for use by visually impaired people, and are
interested in contacting anyone who has experience of providing speech
access to OPACs. We will shortly be converting to TALIS, but we would
appreciate hearing from people with experience of any system.
--- End Message ---
--- End Message ---