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ELVIRA 4: First Call for Submissions

Folgenden Aufruf zur Einreichung von Vorschlaegen fuer die ELVIRA Konferenz
moechte ich an Sie weiterleiten und auch darauf hinweisen, dass der British
Council u.U. Reisekostenzuschuesse fuer Referenten auf Konferenzen in
Grossbritannien bewilligen kann. 

Gruesse aus Koeln

Katarina Steinwachs

>      ELVIRA 4 : The 4th UK Digital Libraries Conference
>     (Electronic Library and Visual Information Research)
>               Milton Keynes, 6-8 May 1997
>The ELVIRA series of electronic library conferences has reached its
>4th year. It is now well established as a key European forum for
>developments and research in the rapidly expanding field of
>electronic resources. This year's conference promises to build on
>the solid foundations already established. It will also be the most
>exciting yet, with the addition of parallel sessions, specialist
>workshops, a full social programme and other exciting features.
>The conference is hosted by De Montfort University's International
>Institute for Electronic Library Research, and will again be set in
>the attractive green parkland of Britain's newest city, Milton
>Keynes. Details of the venue and accommodation, and extensive local
>information, will be made available nearer the conference date.
>This year the conference aims to provide a varied and flexible
>programme, to allow different specialist areas to present their work
>in the way their practitioners find most appropriate. Proposals are
>currently sought for workshops, panel discussions, exhibits and
>presentation sessions on specific areas, as well as abstracts of
>traditional papers. Paper abstracts and poster submissions will be
>peer-reviewed; acceptance of other types of submission will be
>contingent on available time and relevance to the conference themes.
>Based on feedback from previous conferences, and on current trends in
>the field, topics which are particularly sought for this year's
>conference include:
>Content of digital resources
>Social and psychological issues, and related research studies
>Management issues
>User interface and general system design
>Economic aspects and copyright
>Storage and retrieval of images and other non-text materials
>However, any submissions related to electronic library developments
>and research will also be very welcome.
>5 pm (UK time) on FRIDAY 15th NOVEMBER 1996.
>Extended 1000-word abstracts should be submitted to the address
>below (electronically if possible), to arrive by the above closing
>date. Authors will be notified of acceptance by the end of January
>1997, and will be required to produce fuller papers (approx. 3000
>words) by Friday 14th March. These will be made available at the
>conference; the extended abstracts will be made available online.
>Selected authors may be invited to revise and extend their papers
>after the conference, for publication in a journal special issue or
>hard-copy book.
>Researchers and practitioners in academia and industry are invited
>to submit proposals for themed sessions in any format. Where a
>special-interest group or well-defined community already exists in a
>topic, they may wish to organise sessions involving a set of related
>presentations, or to hold panel discussions or workshops. Proposals
>for whole sessions of these types should be submitted to the address
>below (electronically if possible). For workshops or panel
>discussions, a 1000-word description is required. For sessions
>consisting of a set of presentations, a 500-word description of the
>session should be submitted, accompanied by a 500-word abstract of
>each intended presentation. All submissions must arrive by the above
>closing date. Proposers will be notified of acceptance by mid-January
>1997. Abstracts and descriptions will be made available online, and
>it will be the responsibility of session organisers to supply updated
>information if session plans alter.
>Poster displays of research in progress are invited for any work
>where a full paper may not be deemed appropriate. In addition,
>demonstrations and exhibits are invited both from industry and from
>academic institutions (commercial exhibitors will be charged for
>exhibition space and use of facilities). For academic proposers in
>either category, 500-word abstracts or descriptions of the proposed
>item must be submitted to the address below (electronically if
>possible), to arrive by the above closing date. These will be
>peer-reviewed as for papers, and authors will be notified of
>acceptance by the end of January. Abstracts will be made available
>online. Commercial exhibitors and demonstrators should contact the
>conference organisers directly at the address below.
>All proposers in any of the above categories must provide affiliation
>details of all named authors or participants, and full contact
>details (including e-mail addresses where possible) of the main
>person for contact. In addition, all proposers in any category must
>specify their probable requirements for presentation facilities such
>as Internet connections, overhead projection (with or without direct
>connection to a computer), slide projection, space, exhibition boards
>and any other specific needs. All proposers will be expected to
>provide their own computing equipment and exhibit materials where
>relevant; any proposers for whom this will be difficult should make
>this clear in their submission.
>It will speed the organisation and review processes considerably if
>submissions are sent electronically, rather than on paper or
>diskette. This can be done by e-mail to the address below, or via
>the World-Wide Web submission form (URL below).
>If diskette submissions are absolutely necessary, the diskette must
>be clearly marked with the submission category, the name of the main
>contact person, and the title. Diskettes should also be accompanied
>by a letter specifying their contents and format; PC and Macintosh
>diskettes will both be acceptable, but files must be in Microsoft
>Word, RTF, HTML or ASCII formats.
>If paper submissions are absolutely necessary, 5 copies of the
>submission must be sent. Typing should be clear, at least 12-point in
>size, and double-spaced. Submissions will not be accepted by fax.
>E-mail to: elvira _at__ dmu.ac.uk
>World-Wide Web site: http://iielr.dmu.ac.uk/ELVIRA/ELVIRA4/
>Air or surface mail:
>ELVIRA 4 Organising Committee
>International Institute for Electronic Library Research
>De Montfort University
>Hammerwood Gate, Kents Hill
>Milton Keynes  MK7 6HP
>ELVIRA3 programme and abstracts can still be accessed online at:
Katarina Steinwachs, Information Network Manager
The British Council, Hahnenstrasse 6, 50667 Koeln
Tel.: 0221 2064435, Fax: 0221 2064468

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.