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Re: LoC-Database

die anfrage-prozedur wird vereinfacht (und dann weiterhin moeglich),
wenn man die suchoberflaeche mit entsprechender veraenderung der syntax
lokal ablegt, also nur noch die anfrage wegschickt. beispiel:
das skript kann kopiert und so auf einen anderen rechner gelegt werden.
funktioniert bestens.

<html><title>LC MUMS Z39.50 Server</title>

<h1>LC MUMS Z39.50 Search Form</h1>
<form method=POST

<b>First Record to View:</b> <input name="startrec" size=4 value=1>
<b>Maximum Records to Retrieve:</b> <input name="maxrecords" size=4
<b>Select Database to be Searched:</b><select name="dbname">
<option selected>BOOKS
<b>Key to Databases:</b>
<li>BOOKS - Books Bibliographic Records (approximately 3.8 million)
<li>NAMES - Name Authority Records (approximately 3.4 million)
<b>Availability:</b> (6:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.  Mon.-Fri.) (8 a.m. - 5
p.m.  Sat.) (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  Sun.)<p>
<b>Enter Term 1:</b> <input name="term_term_1">
<select name="term_use_1">
<option selected>Personal Name
<option>Corporate Name
<option>Series Title
<option>LC Control Number
<select name="term_struct_1">
<option selected>Word
<option>Word List
<input TYPE="radio" name="operator_2" value="and" checked>AND
   <input TYPE="radio" name="operator_2" value="or">OR
   <input TYPE="radio" name="operator_2" value="andnot">AND NOT
<b>Enter Term 2:</b> <input name="term_term_2">
<select name="term_use_2">
<option selected>Personal Name
<option>Corporate Name
<option>Series Title
<option>LC Control Number
<select name="term_struct_2">
<option selected>Word
<option>Word List
<input TYPE="radio" name="operator_3" value ="and" checked>AND
<input TYPE="radio" name="operator_3" value ="or">OR
<input TYPE="radio" name="operator_3" value ="andnot">AND NOT
<b>Enter Term 3:</b> <input name="term_term_3">
<select name="term_use_3">
<option selected>Personal Name
<option>Corporate Name
<option>Series Title
<option>LC Control Number
<select name="term_struct_3">
<option selected>Word
<option>Word List
<input type="submit" value="Submit Query">
<input type="reset" value="Clear Form"><p>
<input TYPE=hidden name="port" value=2210>
<input name="host" type=hidden value =ibm2.loc.gov>
<input name="attrset" type=hidden value =BIB1>
<input name="rtype" type=hidden value =USMARC>
<input name="DisplayRecordSyntax" type=hidden value=HTML>
<input name="esn" type=hidden value =F>


beste gruesse 
rudolf nink

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|                  Dr. Rudolf Nink M.A.                  |
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