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Re: Mailinglisten (war http://www.hotmail.com/)

> Es handelt sich um die kostenlose Moeglichkeit MAILINGLISTEN
> anzulegen. Wer wollte nicht schon immer eine Liste zu einem ganz
> speziellen Thema anlegen? 8-))
> Normalerweise muss man sein RZ oder die Sysadmins damit behelligen (
> es sei denn, man betreibt seinen eigenen Server, aber wer von uns
> Bibliothekaren kann oder will das schon...)

Oder man wirft einen Blick in die FAQ, ueber die ich jetzt, reichlich  
spaet, gestolpert bin.
Habe vor einer Woche bei http://www.majordomo.com/ eine Liste  
eingerichtet. Nicht kostenlos, aber werbefrei und schnell  



Archive-name: mail/mailing-lists/providers
Posting-frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 1997/04/07 02:23:47
Version: 1.36
URL: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/edmonds/usenet/ml-providers.txt

	      $Revision: 1.36 $, $Date: 1997/04/07 02:23:47 $
		   Copyright (c) 1995-1997, Brian Edmonds

  1. Introduction
  2. Listserv lists
  3. No-fee Providers
  4. For-fee Providers


Subject: Introduction

This list is maintained by Brian Edmonds <edmonds _at__ cs.ubc.ca>.  Please send
all additions, corrections, and comments to this address.  New entries and
extra information from listed providers are especially welcome.

This is a list of individuals, organizations and companies on the net who
offer mailing list services, either for a fee, or as a service to the net
community.  If you wish to start a mailing list, please contact one or more
of these services for more information.

The list is posted on the eighth day of each month to the newsgroups
comp.mail.misc, comp.mail.list-admin.software, comp.answers, and
news.answers.  It is also available from the following locations:
  - <URL:http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/edmonds/usenet/ml-providers.txt>
  - send email to majordomo _at__ edmonds.home.cs.ubc.ca with the single line
    "get faq ml-providers.txt" in the body of the message

The mailing list software FAQ is available by sending mail to
listserv _at__ listserv.net with "GET MLM-SOFTWARE FAQ" in the body of the

** logies _at__ ml.han.de (Michael Logies, D-49134 Wallenhorst, germany) **

Listeninformationen unter http://www.inetbib.de.