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Zitieren: APA-Style Web extension

LAND bzw. BEADS machen folgenden Vorschlag (gleichzeitig mit ihrer Adresse):
[nebenbei: was heiat eigentlich "a.k.a" :-?]

Land, T. [a.k.a Beads] (1995, November 6).  
	Web Extension to American Psychological Association Style (WEAPAS)
        (Rev. 1.0.8) [WWW document].
        URL http://www.nyu.edu/pages/psychology/WEAPAS/

Der "Einfachheit" halber, habe ich die folgenden Punkte in englisch
geschrieben, weil ich sie auch an BEADS sende.
Seine Adresse findet sich in obigem WWW-Dokument.

<Start Meckerecke>


Some people might say: "What does WWW, URL or http stand for?"
Give them the following hint: "Online in Internet".
This also gives an answer to the quality: It is (1) online and it is 
on the (2) internet (so be careful referencing to it, there are great
differences in archivement).

-> I would prefer the addition "Online in Internet" before the URL.


Look at the proposed URL standard currently defined be the URI working
URL: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Addressing/URL/url-spec.html


    To be a Uniform Resource Locator as
    currently defined by the URI working
    group, the whole string must start
    with a constant prefix "URL:". Note
    that to save space in this document,
    some URLs may have been quoted throughout
    without this preprefix.
-> use "URL:" instead of "URL".


If you use the protokoll "http:" it is likely a WWW-Source (at
this time), and there is no need for adding [WWW document].
On the other hand there are normal ASCII-textfiles that can also
be transported via "http". In this case it is useful to add
an additional description like [Textfile] or [ASCII].
In general I think, every addition can be made for clearlyness
if there is any doubt.


</Ende Meckerecke>

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