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Re: PDF-Files in Netscape

>Mehr weiss ich zur Zeit auch nicht. Habe sonst
> auch keine Ahnung von PlugIns in Netscape (sind wohl Zusatzmodule,
> dann aber waere Amber nur eine Verbesserung vom Adobe Reader ?).

so ist es...

> Vielleicht kann ja jemand seine Kenntnisse fuer die Liste zur
> Verfuegung stellen ? 8-) Gruss Thomas Hapke

siehe unten, ist allerdings nur fuer WIN95:

Amber Reader for Netscape 2.0 -- Adobe's Acrobat Amber Reader allows you
to read the common PDF (Portable Document Format) files that are created
by Adobe's Acrobat software. In addition to the standard features found
in the standalone Acrobat Reader for Windows 3.x client, Amber offers
PDF viewing from within the Netscape browser -- plug-in technology at
work once again. This freeware reader won't let you create your own PDF
files (you'll have to purchase Acrobat for that); however, it will give
you the ability to read any PDF file you come across -- don't be too
surprised when you find more than a few of these files scattered across
the web. 

As for quality, Adobe Acrobat presentations are often no match for a
well-designed HTML document. The fonts, even with Adobe's own PDF files,
come across jagged in many cases and are not nearly as easy to read.
However, for massive presentations and complex tables, charts, graphs,
and the like, PDF files often offer superior readability and
manageability as opposed to web documents. And thanks to the Amber
reader, PDF files can now make use of hypertext support, allowing you to
cruise from site to site within a PDF document just like you would in a
web browser. The electronic documentation premise and the reduction of
wasteful paper are both ways of the future, and thanks to the Amber
Reader, we are one step closer to bringing that future to us today.
Overall, while HTML is typically a more attractive and more efficient
use of paperless documentation, in the absence of an Internet connection
or for massive documents, the Acrobat Amber Reader is indeed a very
useful tool for the task. 

Pros: Easy and free viewing or printing of Adobe's Acrobat PDF files
Cons: Doesn't look or function as well as HTML documents on the web New:
This is the initial review for The Amber Reader 

Version Reviewed: Release 1 
Date of Review: 12/17/95 

aus:The Consummate Winsock Apps List, March 6, 1996 

Schoenen Gruss

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