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Liebe Kollegen,
aus Grossbritannien kam folgende Kurzinformation ueber ein neues innovatives System im Bereich der Wissensorganisation:


New knowledge device soon to be supported by all manufacturers. Some brilliant
brains have now come up with the ultimate Built-in Orderly Organised Knowledge
Device called BOOK. The BOOK is a revolutionary breakthrough in technology: no
wires, no electric circuits, no batteries, nothing to be connected or switched
on. Compact and portable, it can be used anywhere - yet is is powerful enough
to hold as much information as a CD-ROM. Each BOOK is constructed of
sequentially numbered sheets of paper (recyclable), each capable of holding
thousands of bits of information. These pages are locked together with a
custom-fit device called a binder which keeps the sheets in their correct
sequence. Opaque Paper Technology (OPT) allows manufacturers to use both sides
of the sheet, doubling the information density and cutting costs in half. The
BOOK never crashes and never needs rebooting, though like other display
devices it can become unusable if dropped overboard. An optional BOOKmark
accessory allows you to open the BOOK at the exact place you left it in a
previous session - even if the BOOK has been closed. BOOKmarks fit universal
design standards; thus a single BOOKmark can be used in books by various
manufacturers. You can also make personal notes next to BOOK text entries with
an optional programming tool, the Portable Erasable Nib Cryptic
Intercommunication Language Stylus (PENCILS). Portable, durable and
affordable, the book is being hailed as the knowledge device of the future and
thousands of content users have committed to the platform. You might want to
test it too!

Gruss, Uwe

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Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Michael Moennich
moennich _at__ ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de

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