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online integrated library systems (fwd)

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Hello everyone,

I'm doing a research on integrated online library information systems
for the Nijenrode University in the Netherlands. I'm looking for
information about systems in which the OPAC, internet resources, CD-
Rom and other electronic information resources can all be integrated.
With this system, one must only enter one search statement in order
to get results from all these resources at the same time.
My request is: is anyone familiar with these systems, can you give
me any names, how's your experience with these systems, do you know
where I could get more information?

I gladly thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Miroushka Orman                 tel: (..)31-3462-91286
Nijenrode Library               fax: (..)31-3462-91230
Straatweg 25                    e-mail: 24978 _at__ ai.fei.hva.nl
3621 BG Breukelen

               Dr. Rudolf Nink M.A. PhD.        
              Mannheim University Library       
               nink _at__ bib.uni-mannheim.de         

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