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Welcher WWW-Browser wird bevorzugt?
zur Frage, welcher Browser bevorzugt wird, eine "weltweite" Antwort. Der
Beitrag stammt aus der Netscape-Liste, ueber die man uebrigens immer
Hilfe bei Fragen zum Umgang mit der Software bekommt.
Freundliche Gruesse,
Thomas Hilberer
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From: Michael Soltys <Michael_Soltys_at_PO.IRI.SF _at__ SMTPLINK.INFORES.com>
Fri, 3 Mar 1995 16:11:02 EST
To: Multiple recipients of list NETSCAPE <NETSCAPE%IRLEARN.BITNET _at__ vm.gmd.de>
Subject: It's official! Netscape dominates!
For those of you who were too busy surfing to catch the recent article
in the New York Times (remember newspapers printed on paper?) --
Fascinating facts from THE NEW YORK TIMES article this week entitled
"Netscape Knows Fame And Aspires To Fortune" by reporter Peter H.
"Since December, more than three million copies of Netscape Navigator
have been distributed."
"'I'm astonished. I've never seen anything like it in my life,' said
James Clark, the 51-year-old chairman of the privately held Netscape .
. . "
A NYT study of browsers accessing "many of the most popular WWW sites"
revealed 55,991 out of 72,000 (78%) used NETSCAPE! (Mosaic: 14% -
The article then astutely goes on to point out that given Microsoft's
deal with Mosaic and the ever-changing nature of the Web, Netscape is
at a critical juncture in the Coke-vs-Pepsi-like browser wars, and
it's lead is tenuous at best.
But, for moment, it seems there's no question what the masses flooding
onto Infobahn on-ramps everywhere favor as their vehicle of choice:
MS -- "That URL was like, so five minutes ago."
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Dr. Thomas Hilberer,
Universitaets- und Landesbibliothek Duesseldorf
Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf
Universitaetsstr. 1, D-40225 Duesseldorf
FAX: +49 +211 311-3054 Phone: +49 +211 311-3524 or -4708
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