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RE: Suchwerkzeuge (Fortsetzung II)

Zum  dritten mal angekommen innerhalb 30 Minuten. Gibt est vielleicht ein
>Moin aus Hamburg,
>hier noch ein weiterer Tip.
>Michael Koehn
>Michael Koehn, Student des Bibliothekswesen
>Fachbereich Bibliothek und Information
>Fachhochschule Hamburg
>E-Mail: mkoehn _at__ rrz.uni-hamburg.de
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 20:31:20 -0400
>From: Jane Dundas Library <dundasj _at__ govonca2.gov.on.ca>
>To: Multiple recipients of list <publib-net _at__ nysernet.org>
>Subject: RE: search engines (fwd)
>Thanks very much to those who sent me valuable info. on search engines.
>In addition to the following message, There are some more:
>1. `Hop, Skip, and Jump:Navigating the World-Wide Web' in Internet World,
>April 1995, p.41-44
>2. During a presentation at CLA conference in June 1995 entitled `Is the
>Web navigable', there were very helpful handouts, they are avualable at:
>Kathryn Paul and Kathleen Mathews who did the presentation at the
>conference are preparing an article for the CLA journal, Feliciter, (Jan.
>1996) on the subject.
>Pauline Kwan
>Jane Dundas Library (416)-394-1014  Greetings! :-)!
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 20:50:25 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Amy Terlaga <TERLAGA _at__ SCSUD.CTSTATEU.EDU>
>To: dundasj _at__ govonca2.gov.on.ca
>Subject: RE: search engines
>Thanks so much for getting back to me so quickly.  I've
>done a little searching myself.  You might want to check out
>the following:
>http://www.sils.umich.edu/(tilda here)fprefect/matrix/overview-text.html
>These are okay.  However, I'm still looking...
>My address:
>Amy Terlaga
>100 Forest Street
>Hamden, CT  06518
>Thanks again,
>Terlaga _at__ scsu.ctstateu.edu

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